Terms of Use

1. Scope

This document is applicable to all visitors and registered users of the website.  Please note that this website  is now a personal blog . It can be used by visitors in accordance with the terms below.

All visitors expressly and irrevocably agree to the terms of this document.

2. Copyrights

All content, texts, infographics, images, included on this website are original work and/or are subject to local and international copyrights.

All images and graphic artwork are copyrighted. Most images are subject to terms & conditions from “” from which they were originally downloaded before being edited and integrated with other graphics in order to form a new image or a background. 

3. Usage of the downloadable documents

You must always mention the author of the documents downloaded from this website.

You cannot modify any of the downloaded document EVEN if you think or believe that there is a potential update to make or a “mistake”: the reason is that there are no mistake but there might be  added information and personal interpretations that require specific information and developments in order to be understood.

 There is no guarantee of suitability,  accuracy or up-to-date state of the documents downloaded from this website  without prior informed confirmation and consent of Mehdi Touzani, whatever is the purpose of the download.

– Please, contact the author of the documents if you need a guarantee of suitability and updated information, which is most of the time given in the scope of a specific mission decided between the parties. Thank you for your understanding. 


4. Terms and Conditions concerning the infographic resume

The infographic resume is made available as an addition to job applications submitted directly and personally by the author of the said resume. 

In order to prevent abuses and misrepresentation, it is strictly forbidden to use the resume without prior and informed consent of the owner of this website: this means that individuals and/or companies using the aforementioned resume without prior authorization of its author, which is given for each application in the form of a download link in the classic resume, may face prosecutions and damages without limitation of amount and without prejudice of any legal qualification or jurisdiction.

The reason of this rule is that there are many “recruiters” use fake applications using the name and curriculum of individuals who never applied to the position in question,  in order to push their favorite candidate(s) or friend(s), by using profiles of individuals who never applied to the job and which curriculum do not fit the request of the client. This behaviour, which is a breach of contract and a misrepresentation in addition to being an infringement of various personal rights,  is much more common and spread than companies seeking recruiting services think,  while this unacceptable behaviour seriously damages the trust that should prevail between recruiters, their clients and the applicants. 

If you are unsure of your situation and/or if you need a specific authorization or confirmation of authorization, in order to submit the infographic resume in a job application process for which there have been no prior official application, please seek a specific permission by messaging me through my linked-in profile which link can be found in the footer of this website. Thank you for your understanding.

Data Policy

The data policy is part of the terms of use and is available on the following page:

Applicable Law

French Law is applicable to the content of this website. 

Jurisdiction is given to the Tribunals and Courts of Paris, France.